20240723 18th nano webinar

18th Nanowebinar
Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 13:00-15:10
Method: Online using the web (Zoom)
Program: (1)
13:00-13:10 Greeting: Yoshihisa Kano, President, Research Association of Nano Structured Polymer
13:10-14:10 Chair: Arimitsu Usuki, Vice President, Research Association of Nano Structured Polymer
Speaker: Ikuo Taniguchi, Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Title: Control of Structure and Properties of Polymer Materials Driven by Pressure
Abstract: Polymeric multiphase systems undergoing phase transitions by pressure changes are known as “Baroplastics”. Particularly, polymers with low-temperature formability, induced by a pressure-driven phase transition from a solid (phase-separated) state to a melt/solid (miscible) state has gained attention from a recycling perspective. Herein, the molecular design of baroplastic block copolymers is introduce, and the interplay between morphology and material properties are also discussed.

14:10-15:10 Chair: Takeshi Semba, Director, Research Association of Nano Structured Polymer
Speaker: Shigeru Deguchi, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Title: Deep-Sea-Inspired Chemistry: Fabrication and Utilization of Nanostructures Inspired by the Extreme biosphere
Abstract: Nature has always been a source of inspiration for scientific progress, and the deep sea is no exception. This talk will outline “deep-sea inspired chemistry”, chemistry inspired by the extreme environment of the deep sea and the unique survival strategies of deep-sea organisms. The talk will introduce a new generation of ocean exploitation realized by applying the ingenuity of colloid and polymer chemistry to deep-sea inspiration, as exemplified by the development of nanoemulsification processes exploiting the hot and compressed environment of deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and the exploration of deep-sea microbial resources exploiting the large surface area of nanofibers.

Biography of the lecturer:
Ikuo Tniguchi
2021 to current, Professor of Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan.
2012, Associate Professor of International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy
Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
2007, Senior Researcher of Chemical Research Group, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Kyoto, Japan.
2004, Research Scientist, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, USA.
1999, Assistant Professor, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan.
Shigeru Deguchi
Director, Research Center for Bioscience and Nanoscience, JAMSTEC (2019–Present)
Director, Research and Development Center for Marine Biosciences, JAMSTEC (2014–2019)
Team Leader, Institute of Biogeosciences, JAMSTEC (2009–2014)
Group Leader, Extremobiosphere Research Center, JAMSTEC (2005–2009)
Sub-Leader, Frontier Research System for Extremophiles, JAMSTEC (2001–2005)
Research Scientist, Frontier Research Program for Deep-Sea Extremophiles, JAMSTEC (1999–2001)
JST Overseas Research Fellow, Department of Physical Chemistry 1, Lund University, Sweden (1997–1998)
Ph.D., Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (1996)
B.Eng., Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University (1990)

fee: Members of RANSP: free,
 non-member 5,000 yen

How to apply :

Members: Please log in to the website and select a lecture from the “Contact for Participation” page.

Non-members: Please log in to the website and select the lecture you wish to attend.

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NPO Research Association of Nano-Structured Polymer


Author: xs498889