20211215 57th nano structured polymer institute

57th nano structured polymer institute
This time, as the second theme of the previous Nanostructure Polymer Institute, the theme was the world of with corona and after corona.
With SDGs, which is the keyword of our future vision, as the keyword, we planned a topic lecture to invite experts to share their perspectives on polymer material technology that contributes to the realization of a sustainable and environmentally friendly society. We look forward to the participation of a large number of people.

Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 14: 00-16: 20
Method: Online using the web (Zoom)
13:00-13:10 Greeting: Yoshihisa Kano, Deputy Representative Director, Research Association of Nanostructured Polymer
Title:Expectation to the future plastics industry
Presenter:Toshio Nishi E Gr. Research Association of Nano structured polymer
abstract:Expectation to the future of plastics industry will be discussed with examples.
Especially, contribution of plastics industry to automotive and health care industry with Corona and after Corona period will be presented based on the speaker’s experience.
BIO: 1967:Graduated from Engineering school of The University of Tokyo
1967-1980:Member of technical staff of Bridgestone Tire Co. Ltd.
1980-2003:Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor of the Department of Applied Physics of The University of Tokyo
2003-2008:Professor of the Tokyo Institute of Technology
2008-2012:Professor of WPI-AIMR of Tohoku University
2012-2017: Special Professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology in charge of Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.
2017-:Special Professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Title:Evaluation of the degradation state for riverbank polyolefin microplastic picked up the downstream of Arakawa River.
Presenter:Takashi Kuriyama Yamagata University
Abstract:Disintegration mechanisms of plastics including microplastics leaked into the environment have not still understood completely. We need to more information and data regarding on the interaction mechanisms between the pulverization of microplastics during transport of riverine and the degradation of those due to weathering. This lecture will be provided results of a preliminary survey of the degradation state for riverbank polyolefin microplastic picked up the downstream of Arakawa River.
BIO:Takashi Kuriyama joined Department of Polymer Science and Engineering of Yamagata University in 1986 after completing his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Science at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. He has been Full Professor of Graduate School of Organic Materials Science Yamagata University since 2004.
His research interests are deformation and fracture behavior & long-term properties of polymer and their composites, polymer processing and engineering designing with plastics, especially “Plastic pipes”. Activity and experience of ISO TC61Plastics and other are as follows,
15:10-15:20 Break
Title:Encouragement of Basic Research for Plastics and Polymer Composites
Presenter:Kazu Nagata Toyama Prefectural University
Abstract:The main component of plastics is the polymer with carbon chain. Most of the carbon comes from fossil resources and is converted to greenhouse gases when disposing. By it, there is a trend to avoid the use of plastic. However, plastic has become an essential material in our lives, and is impossible to stop using or drastically reduce.
We have been thinking about this problem. And came up with the idea of reducing greenhouse gas emissions at the time of plastic disposal by the following two measures.
1.Reduction of waste by extending life of plastics products
2.Prevention of global warming gasification by keeping plastics waist solid
Title:Plastic’s contribution for prevention of global warming
Presenter:Isao Satoh Satoh Engineering office
Abstract: The importance of an accumulation of basic research is recognized by spread in the world of Covid-19. Plastics and polymer composites have been in practical use for long time more than 100 years, even though the relationship between their structure and exhibiting mechanical properties are’nt made clear. In this lecture, I explain the importance of an accumulation of basic research in plastics and polymer composites, and suggest the new approach of their development based on SDGs.
1964 Faculty of Textile Science and Technology from Shinsyu University
1989 College of Liberal Arts from The Open University of Japan,
1964-1969 Bemberg Plant, Asahi Kasei Co., Ltd.
1969-1996 Plastics Technology Center,
1996-1998 Institute of Consumer Economics
1998-   Independent Engineer
2000-2012  Open University of Japan

[Participation procedure]
Course fee: Free for members of Research Association of Nanostructured Polymer.
    Non-member 5,000 yen
How to apply: Please apply from the URL below


If you need an invoice, please email us to the following address.
Planning Manager
Member & Planning Director, Research Association of Nanostructured Polymer
kuboyama@ransp.jp (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Author: xs498889