President of NPO Research Institute of Nano Structured Polymer Dr.Kano   2023

“On appointment as representative director”
I would like to extend my congratulations to all the members of the NPO Research Association of Nano Structured Polymer (RANSP) for their continued good health. I was appointed as the representative director from this year, and I am currently thinking about the direction for further development of the research association every day. As part of this effort, I proposed to create a “Roadmap for (RANSP) toward the future looking back on the past, considering the current situation” this year, and would like to disseminate it to all members after its completion. By clarifying the direction of the future with this roadmap, we hope that plans such as lecture themes, subcommittees, and tours will be enhanced and lead to social contributions.
The mission and vision of (RANSP) is to “share widely with society the history of research on nanostructured polymer technology, which is beginning to have a major impact on the economy and society through its practical use in polymer materials, and the path to its realization.
The mission and vision of (RANSP) is to “share widely with society the history of research on nanostructured polymer technology, which is beginning to have a major impact on the economy and society through its practical use in polymer materials, and the path to its realization.
Therefore, it can be said that the mission and vision of (RANSP) is the index of nanostructured polymer technology that reflects the future technology trends according to the roadmap.
By the way, (RANSP) was newly certified in July 2002, celebrated its 20th anniversary last year, and the 20th anniversary event was held at KKR Hotel Tokyo on May 20, 2023. Looking back, Nano Structured Polymer Study Section(NSPSS) (lectures, tours, exchange meetings) started as a place to share information on polymer technology and exchange members, the MOT Project, a subcommittee positioned to support ventures, and then corporate members. After that, TPE Technology Study Section(TPETSS) and Micro/Nano Molding Study Section(MNMSS), which are subcommittees on polymer materials and molding processing from a nano-perspective, were established mainly by corporate members, and their activities have accelerated.
Furthermore, as part of last year’s events, at the 21st Nano structured Polymer Exchange Meeting held on November 1, 2022, thanks to the kindness of Bridgestone, we held a local tour for the first time in three years (Bridgestone Innovation Gallery, Bridgestone. Unfortunately, we were unable to hold an overnight stay and get-together, but we were reminded of the importance of face-to-face communication. In addition, at the 2022 (MNMSS) is now possible to hold face-to-face tours and lectures, including online lectures. (However, the social gathering after the event is limited to volunteers.) From this year onwards, we plan to hold events of (RANSP) with online and face-to-face meetings in mind, taking into account the “with” and “after” times of COVID-19. By the way, regarding the roadmap of (RANSP) for the future, which I introduced at the beginning, I have summarized the keywords for social issues and future prospective technologies in polymers as my personal feeling. We hope that all members will be interested and that we will be able to have exciting discussions based on the roadmap.
1. Social trends: Economic and social systems in harmony with the environment (global warming, natural disasters)
2. Social goals: All-Japan co-creation based on carbon neutrality, SDGs, and circular economy
3. Social Issues: Marine Plastics, Microplastics, 4Rs (Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Refuse), Efficient Collection and Incineration.
4. Future technology: resource recycling, easy recycling, biodegradability & biomass, DX.
As a measure to provide our members with information on innovations in nano structured polymer technology that accompanies future changes in social trends, we will promote the appointment of young directors from this fiscal year and reform the events of (RANSP). Lastly, I would like to conclude my remarks on my inauguration as the representative director of(RANSP), hoping that all members will support the activities of (RANSP) and that it will be a place for lively exchange of opinions and network building.

Author: xs498889